Carmen Chami (Mexico City. 1974) graduated in Art Restoration. Chami showed a deep interest in the Mexican baroque painting technique of the seventeenth century. She studied this technique forgotten for several decades, through reproductions of the best Mexican baroque artists as Cristobal de Villalpando and Juan Correa, this research last for almost ten years. All this collection was exhibited in Cuernavaca’s Museum in 2000 supported by the grant “Apoyo a la Formación Artística y Cultural” offered by the FONCA in Morelos. Later she developed all this techinical knowledge in the Master of Visual Arts at San Carlos Academy. She graduated with honors.
Chami’s solo shows highlights are "Adláteres and the unexpected Journey, works by Carmen Chami" National Mexican Art Museum, Chicago (2020-2022); "Silent Witness" Dorothea Thiel Gallery, (2017); En el Diván in Guanajuato’s Town Art Museum (2015); Parábolas de un Itinerario Fortuito in Aguascalientes Center for the Arts and Culture (2013) and Estratagemas Aldama Fine Art gallery (2012). In 2016 she awarded the National Creators System Art Creators. Her paintings belong to important institutions and private collections as Mexican Presidency; Marines Secretary; Steven Bennett and Dr. Elaine Melotti Schmidt (The Bennett Art Collection for Women Realists); Kaluz Museum; Muskegon Museum of Art; National University of Mexico; Milenio Group; Harris Theater, Chicago; Fondazione Imago Mundi and the National Death Museum.
As group shows are Pintando Hoy, MEAM, Barcelona; Painting the figure now II, Wausau Museum of Contemporary Art, Wisconsin; Descripción de un viaje, Gorman Museum, California; 100 artistas 100 portadas, Museo de América, Madrid; Evocaciones, Museo José María Velasco; Toluca, México; La poesía vista por el arte, Centro cultural Cabañas, Guadalajara, México; Descripción de un viaje, Circle de la Garnison, Quebec; Sororidad, La otra mirada al Arte en México, Museo de Bellas Artes del Estado de México; Art Theorema 3, Krisis, Gallerie delle Prigioni, Treviso, Italy; El Placer de lo Cotidiano, Museo de la Cancillería, Mexico City; among many others.
In 2018 she had the comission for the Enrique Peña Nieto Presidential Portrait for the Presidential Gallery in the National Palace, Mexico City.
Since 2016 is part of the National Creators System supported by the mexican government.
Carmen Chami (Ciudad de México. 1974) graduada de la Licenciatura en Restauración, mostró un profundo interés en la pintura barroca mexicana del siglo XVII. Ella estudió esta técnica olvidada por varias décadas a través de reproducciones de grandes maestros novohispanos como Cristóbal de Villalpando y Juan Correa. Esta colección fue presentada en el año 2000 en el Museo de la Ciudad de Cuernavaca. Más tarde este conocimiento técnico lo desarrolló en la Maestría en Artes Visuales en la Academia de San Carlos, de la que egresó con honores.